By Kourtney Braunstein-Cohen
This chicken salad is a must. It’s actually two recipes in one because you can follow this exact recipe (add some lemon juice) for tuna salad. My mum used to make both versions growing up. It’s packed with protein and keeps you full whether in a sandwich, over a salad, with crackers for dipping, or plain. You can always play with the recipe as you mix at the end and add more salt or other ingredients. If you don’t like mustard, feel free to leave it out. This recipe is a huge portion meant for my family of four for the week. You can cut it in half if you need to, but remember it stays good in the fridge for a week so it’s excellent for meal prep! Learn the step-by-step instructions for my family’s chicken salad recipe below.

Flavourful Chicken Salad
6 chicken breasts
1 large red onion, diced
1 cup chopped nuts
(almonds, cashews, whatever—just clean out your pantry!)
1 stalk celery, chopped
1/2 cup avocado mayo (I usually
end up adding more so it’s not dry)
1/4 cup mustard
Splash of olive oil
Salt/pepper to taste
1. Boil the chicken breasts in a pot of
water until you can pull them apart with a fork.
2. Remove from water and shred the chicken
breast in a big bowl that allows for mixing.
3. Add your ingredients and mix. Once you
mix thoroughly, you can taste and add more of whatever you want. I usually put a lot of
mustard and take it easy on the salt. If it’s
your first time, add each ingredient a little at a time, mix, taste, and add again. That way you can
get it to your exact taste.
4. You can add this onto a bed of spring mix,
dip cucumbers into it, or put it in a fat
sandwich with sprouts and avocado if you
dare. My favourite is adding it to the side
of my Greek salad and spooning a little
of both into each bite. Make your adjustments
and additions and enjoy.
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